Friday, 20 June 2014

The sixth letter, 2014-06-20, to Fredrik


Having freshly come back from Rome, I am tempted say that the world is beautiful as long as we have Fellini (and those perfectly-groomed men in tailor-made suits!).

Speaking of Fellini, in the same year when Fellini's Casanova (1976) came out, the world also got to see Parviz Kimiavi's The Garden of Stones (1976) and P Like Pelican (1976). They are wonderful cinematic discovery which I made at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt recently, where both films were finally rendered justice on the auditorium's big screen. My nostalgia for the spirit of filmmaking of that time aside, they both demonstrate complexity and multifacetedness within a rather straightforward narrative structure – at the same time mysticism and philosophy, sight and sound, sanity and insanity. Their grainy texture and anti-horizontal direction seem to find contemporary resonance in Philippe Grandieux's White Epilepsy (2012), yet the latter's experimentation is somewhat overshadowed by the former's ethnographic and humanistic insight, I think.

I don't think you explained much about your choice of Humanity of Paper Balloons and your fondness for Café Lumière? I am very intrigued. At the moment I am reading You Are Not A Gadget - in fact, this blog post could have been written by a robot!